
Showing posts from September, 2017

Kitty Horror!

    I woke up this morning to the cat being extra snuggly. As I opened my eyes I was shocked to see a large bloody wound on his neck. I realized that I was now covered in his blood and jumped out of bed to sort out his injuries. Being a cat, however, meant that he didn't want to be caught. Not knowing how bad it was I couldn't risk him being stressed out and losing any more blood so I bribed him to come out.     As soon as he was within arm's reach I scooped him up and ran to the bathroom where I discovered that he got into my FX kit.  And that's how Morbo became the greatest FX artist of his generation. Morbo is a jerk.     To clarify, I do casualty simulation special effects. A tube of concentrated blood had burst in my kit and spilled everywhere. It was a nightmare. Cleaning was a huge task so I was going through the pieces slowly, de-gore-ing everything bit by bit. After a while the counter was covered in wet little tubs of make-up as well as the ghoul